
Infinite Incompleteness: A Documentary Theater Play

Infinite Incompleteness tells the stories of ten Afghan women and men who have lost members of their families as a result of the various conflicts in Afghanistan over the past three decades. The stories are told verbatim by three anonymous afghan men dressed in national colures. Each of the three men represents one of three largest groups in the country: Pashtun, Tajik, and Hazara (the fourth main ethnic groups, uzbek, is also represented in tow of the stories).the stories are told in their respective languages Pashto, Dari and Hazaragi. While the three men tell the stories of the suffering of their people, the engage in three recurring, tiresome and ultimately traumatizing activities: digging up the dead, rebuilding the country and, metaphorically, carrying the load of war and loss. In the background, a pregnant Afghan woman, the Butimar-e Kabul, whose two  children have  disappeared during one of the conflict periods, hauntingly counts the millions of dead, burning their pictures in an Afghan Bkhori (Stove). Read more