Victim’s Name: Abdul Jalil
Date of Incident: July 8, 2015
Place of Incident: Shah Shaheed, Kabul
Abdul Jalil, my elder brother, was born in 1977 in the Panjshir Province. He used to work as a guard in Sarai Ahmadzai in the Shah Shaheed area. One summer night, when Abdul Jalil was sleeping in his room, a huge explosion occurred and destroyed the entire market, and killed and injured many people. He was severely injured when we took him out of the debris of the shattered building but lost his life on the way to the hospital. We took his body to his birthplace in Panjshir and buried him there.
Abdul Jalil was only 38 years old when he was killed. He had gotten married just a few years back and left behind his young wife and a three-year-old son who are now living with us. His wife is now suffering from depression since his death. Abdul Jalil was the only breadwinner of his family. I do everything I can to take care of and protect his son but he still feels his father’s absence. The older he gets, the more he feels the void. It will probably take him a very long time to accept his father’s death. I will always try to help and support them but I don’t think I will ever be able to fill Abdul Jalil’s empty place. His death and absence will never be forgotten.