
The Story of Safia (Daughter)

-Victim’s Name: Fatimah 

-Place of Incident: Dogh Abad, Kabul

-Date of Incident: 1996

“My name is Safia and I am 40 years old. I live in Dogh Abad, Kabul. I lost three members of my family when a rocket hit our house in Kabul in 1996: my mother, my cousin and my brother-in-law. My cousin had a two-month-old child, he also passed away after his father did.

This tragedy shattered our lives. My sister never recovered from the shock. Despite having three children, she gave up on everything and disappeared. Even today we don’t know whether she’s alive or dead. Their children were scattered everywhere, Kabul, Iran, Pakistan….

I suffer from serious dyspepsia. I hurt everyone at home. I suffered too much after my mother was killed, as I had very strong emotional connection to her. My mother’s death marked the end of happiness for me.

There are only a few objects left of my mother, Fatima, and I included them in her Memory Box. I want the Memory Box to say that my mother and our family had nothing to do with others people’s dirty war.”

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